Where To Find Us
There is no number outside the nursery but if you search for 919 Ocean View Road, Te Ārai, the nursery is visible from the road, and there is sign on the road front saying Nga Uri o Hau Native Nursery.
To get here from State Highway One turn onto the Mangawhai Road just north of Te Hana.
Continue on this road until you come to Te Ārai Point Road. Turn right into this road – it’s a metal road- and continue on until you come to Ocean View Road on your right.
Turn into this road and the nursery is about 500m along here. Turn right to come up to the sheds.
Maps on phones may bring you in different ways – there are a few different roads in.

Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday: 8.00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: By appointment only
Weekends: CLOSED
Public Holiday: CLOSED
Ko te pae tawhiti, whaia kia tata
Ko te pae tata, whakamaua kia tina
Seek out distant horizons
Cherish those you attain